lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014


This myth of Bachue, which belonged to the Chibcha civilization, says that between “Tinjaca”  and “Hunza”, which are names of regions that have disappeared, and where we can find some villages like villa de Leyva today, there is a beautiful small lake which is called iguaque. One morning, long ago, as the sun had started to shine, dispersing the fog on the lake, and the sky was blue, silence was broken by birds that were announcing great and mysterious events. The air and the exotic nature which were in happy expectation saw that the waters were starting to undulate, but they couldn’t figure out what was happening. From the Deep waters, the image of a beautiful woman – whose beauty could only be compared to that of a goddess-, emerged with a child who was three years old: Bachue had been born. After they  had come out on shore, they went into far away lands where she pointed out a place to build her home. When the child had grown up, they got married and had many children, and that’s how human beings were created and the earth populated. Over time, Bachue taught them to cook. Time passed, and she found out that people knew how to look after themselves. So, Bachue, who was now old and tired, felt that her misión on earth was accomplished, and came back to lake iguaque, together with her companion. As they were touched by the wáter, they were changed into snakes – symbols of wisdom – so that people would always remember that they should respect the lessons she had taught them.
The slays had different myths. For example, it was believed by croatians that in the beginning, nothing else existed but Good in all the universe. They said that his only occupation was to lie down, and sleep and dream. those dreams had lasted for many years, until there came a day when he had to wake up. It happened brutally and after a while, he got up and looked around, and from each one of his glances, a star was born. He was very surprised by this, so he started to travel and travel, to see what his eyes had created, until he came to earth. Since he was extremely tired, drops of sweat started to run  down his face. And it happened that one of these drops got a spirit, and it was the first human being. This is how humans were born from Good. But they were not created for pleasure; they found out about their origin which was from sweat, so they had to put up with the idea that their destiny was to suffer and word hard.

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